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Efficient legal service providers


Efficient legal service providers
We are honored to offer comprehensive, professional and effective services in various fields:

• Representation in civil, economic and administrative disputes;
• Protection of rights and interests in criminal proceedings;
• Legal assistance in road traffic accidents;
• Appeal of protocols and decisions on administrative offenses;
• Representation before government bodies, appeal of decisions and actions of officials;
• Assistance in receiving of inheritance;
• Representation in public enforcement service and banking institutions;
• Legal support of business;
• Representation in disputes with tax and customs authorities.
Our company managed to bring together the knowledge and long-term experience of each member of our team in the areas of legal and technical sciences that allows us to provide comprehensive services in the following areas:

  • Legal and technical support for the vessel's sale and purchase, registration and maintenance of yachts and vessels;

  • Complex services for yachts and small vessels (delivery, berthing, insurance, agency services, supply etc.);

  • Support for obtaining of documents for seafarers and yachts' captains.

Prime Lex, as the official authorized representative of the LEPL "Maritime Transport Agency of Georgia" with the right to perform survey for pleasure yachts, is pleased to offer high quality and comprehensive support services for registration of yachts under the Flag of Georgia since 2015.

Registration fee starts from 330 USD

Key advantages of registration under the Flag of Georgia:
  • Any type of registration – private or commercial usage of the yacht
  • Owner of the yacht can be an individual or legal entity
  • Minimum formalities
  • No restrictions on the jurisdiction/citizenship of the owner of yacht
  • Flexible pricing plans – up to 5 years
  • Widely recognized and reputable Flag
  • No obligatory class society supervision for pleasure yachts under 100 GT
  • Option for parallel registration of the yacht under foreign flag on the basis of bareboat charter agreement.

Our contacts

off. 109, Chornomorskogo Kozatstva Street, 103,
Odesa 65003, Ukraine
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